Frequently asked questions:


Do you accept insurance?

YES! I am an in network provider with Aetna and will be in network with Tricare soon.

I am currently partnered withThe Lactation Network to provide SIX insurance covered prenatal and postpartum visits and prenatal classes at zero out of pocket cost to you.

If we are unable to get your visit covered up front, I will provide a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement under the Affordable Care Act.

What is your service area?

I live in Douglasville, however I am willing to travel throughout most of the Atlanta area. A $40 travel fee will apply if you are over 20 miles away from my home address.

What happens at a lactation consult?

A thorough history of you and your baby is taken, oral exam of infant if appropriate , feeding assessment with pre and post feeding weight, and a summary and plan of care will be provided to you and your baby’s doctor. Referrals made depending on the situation.